Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oh Pasta Tree?

In an effort to do a craft that had nothing to do with the holidays, I brought out the paper, glue and colored pasta so they could make what ever kind of picture they wanted. They were shocked and asked that I make them a Christmas tree to decorate with the pasta. It was pretty funny. Thank goodness Elmer's dries clear. :)

You can use this pasta for lots of things. I colored BOXES and BOXES of pasta a few months ago and we have used it for several things already like making pasta necklaces, bracelets, art etc. To make the colored pasta I tossed about 2 cups of pasta in a ziploc bag and added 4-5 drops of food coloring and 1 Tablespoon of rubbing alcohol and shook it all up until it was the color I wanted it. Then I spread them all out on paper towels on cookie sheets to air dry. I did a ton at once, so that I would have it on hand when we needed it.
Supplies needed:
rubbing alcohol
food coloting
construction paper

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