Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kid's Art Display

My kids have a playroom in our finished basement that is ALL theirs. Just about 95% of all of their toys are down there. It is a great place to display their artwork and projects. I stole this idea from a couple of catalogues I receive that were charging an arm and a leg for the same thing. At Michael's (have I mentioned how much I love that store?) they have these cut out wood shapes in just about anything you can think of... cars, sports, animals, etc. You can even buy them already painted for pretty cheap. I bought a bunch of them and glued them to clothes pins and hung them on a clothes line attached to our wall (obviously, I need to go buy more since I have some naked clothes pins up there). I use these clothes pins to hang some of the work my kids do. They LOVE having a place to put their works of art. Just wanted to share what we did with it all since some of you have been asking. :)


  1. Hi,
    I used plastic colored clothespins in my classroom...never thought to transfer the idea to home! Thanks!

    But now I'm wondering with all of the crafts your children do, how do you decide what to keep and throw out...and how do you store them?

  2. When they have all been displayed for a bit, I throw them in a bin in our laundry room. At the end of the school year, I plan on going through the bin with my kids and picking out our favorites, take photos of them and put them in a bound book through snapfish and throw them all away (That sounds terrible doesn't it??.) This way they can still have record of their favorite work and it won't take up all the space.

    I also take photos every month and post them in a snapfish album to send to friends and family (we are spread all over the US) and our craft making is a part of that as well. Then I put the photos in an scrapbook each month.

    I obviously don't sleep much LOL
