Monday, April 27, 2009

YUMMY Brownies!

I had two small children look up at me tonight and ask desperately for some brownies. It was kind of sad actually. Not thinking I may actually have all of the ingredients to make them, I looked for a recipe on my good friend's website (Martha Stewart) :)

I came across this one and I actually had all of the ingredients and became the hero for the evening. Boy, were they delicious!! Click on the link below.

Martha Stewart's

(since the recipe calls for 8 oz of semisweet chocolate chips and the bag had 12 oz in it, we mixed the remaining chips in the brownie batter and had chocolate chip brownies)


  1. Hello! I just wanted to say I have been lurking here for a while and I LOVE your blog! These brownies look awesome. You are a girl after my own heart, adding the "leftover" chips to the batter. Thanks for all the good ideas and I am looking forward to making lots of things this summer with my 2 little kiddies. Shannon

    PS I linked to your blog fro mine, hope it's ok :)

  2. I am here for you to use up any left over chips. By putting them in the batter I saved myself from eating them all myself! HA!!
