Friday, March 27, 2009

Pretzels and Pajama Thursday

Thursdays were the only days we didn't have any place to go, so we decided at the beginning of the school year it would be called Pajama Thursdays. The kids look forward to it all week and ask practically every morning if it is Thursday yet so that they can keep their pajamas on. I can't say I blame them. I would love to wear my pjs every day too. This is why in some of my posts, you can see the headless pictures of my kids in their pajamas while doing crafts.

This week on Pajama Thursday, we made home made soft pretzels. We love them so much. We haven't made them in a while, so I decided today we would make a double batch and freeze them. They are so good to make as sandwiches! I have posted about these pretzels before here. Check it out and make some for your family. You won't be sorry!