Thursday, March 19, 2009

March is In Like a Lion and Out Like a Lamb Craft

Today we made lions and lambs for March. The kids had a lot of fun with them, especially when I said we would need to use a lot of glue to make sure the cotton balls stick. :)

It was funny too, because they understood completely what it meant to have March start out like a lion and end like a Lamb. No place illustrates that better than living in Ohio!

Supplies needed:
paper plates
construction paper
googley eyes
cotton balls
black marker

UPDATE: I kept looking at these and thought something was missing...EARS!! I can't believe we forgot them. I'll try to upload a new picture with ears included soon! :)


  1. We are going to make these today. They look super cute.
    I love all your ideas. They are cute and simple enough for kids.

  2. Great idea! Such a cute way to make the animals. My son is really into lions (well, making the "roar" sound). Thanks for sharing all of your fun ideas you've tried with your children. It's great motivation!

  3. Those are adorable. We are going to make these in my preschool class.

    Thanks for linking. have a great weekend.
