Monday, March 16, 2009

Irish Potato Candy

When I used to work in the brick and mortar schools, one of my co-workers used to bring this in to school every St. Patrick's Day. They are called Irish Potatoes because the cinnamon makes them look like potatoes. She used to keep them in the teacher work room for everyone to share. I loved them so much and it has been a few years since I have had them since I moved away. I had to ask for the recipe and she was nice enough to share. Thanks Cathy.

Irish Potatoes

¼ lb soft butter or margarine
1 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla
2/3 cup Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk
6 cups 10x powdered sugar
8 oz coconut

Mix together margarine, salt, vanilla and milk. Gradually add sugar. Mix well. Add coconut. Mix well. Remove from bowl and knead well.
Roll about 15 balls at a time, place in a plastic bag- put cinnamon in the plastic bag, and shake. Repeat with rest of batter.
Put potatoes on cookie sheet lined with wax paper.

Refrigerate over night.


  1. YUMMY, I'll have to try these!
    Cindy dg

  2. My mom has a recipe from when I was in Kindergarten (I'm 33 now!) that has the same ingredients as this one but I'm not sure if the measurements are the same. She's away this week and I need the recipe today so when I found this one online, I gave it a shot. It tastes just like the Irish potatoes she makes every year with one exception - they're pretty salty! I think our recipe calls for 1/2 tsp salt but I wasn't sure so I followed this one. Wish I had cut the salt in 1/2 because then they'd be perfect!!! :-) Happy St. Patty's Day!

  3. Thanks so much for posting this recipe! I had one like it years ago and then lost it. I haven't been able to find one since that didn't use cream cheese, but used sweetened condensed milk instead. This recipe was perfect!

  4. I made this recipe and got quite a few people telling me that these were the best Irish Potatoes they EVER had! I have now written out this recipe and added it to my recipe collection so I have it for next year and years to come.

  5. This is the almost the exact recipe thats been passed down in my family for years the only difference is we dont use salt. Ive been making these for 15 years.
