Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We had a delicious treat during our Hawaiian Luau. We made Strawberry yogurt smoothies. The first thing we did though was decorate our cups. We used some of the left over flower cut outs from our lei making and glued them on plastic cups.

Next we made our smoothies:
2 cups of strawberries (1/2 a quart)
1/2 cup yogurt (we used strawberry yogurt)
1 cup of ice
1/4 cup orange juice
2 T. sugar

Throw all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how cute and what fun.

    I make special drinks for my little girl and put umbrellas in them as well. We call our drinks tot-tails (not cocktails or mocktails, but a good ole tot-tail). We line our cups with a little honey and then we sprinkle some 100s and 1000s in the cup. Then we pour in a banana smoothie. A relatively healthy treat and the umbrella makes it all that more special.

