Saturday, January 17, 2009

Valentine's Day Mobile

We have been taking a snowman break and focusing on Valentine's Day. The temperatures are below zero and school around here is cancelled because of the cold. It is time to focus on things that will warm your heart....get it...heart? HAHA!!

The first thing we did to make our mobiles was turn hand prints into hearts on some craft foam. Then I cut out a heart shape around it and punched some holes in the bottom.

Then we made finger print hearts using ink pads on some little foam hearts (we did both sides). Then I punched some holes in them and attached the little hearts to the big heart with yarn.

Too Cute!

Supplies needed:
craft foam
foam hearts (or you can just cut some from the craft foam)
ink pad
hole puncher


  1. perfectly simply project - going to do it tomorrow! sweeet!

  2. I love these. I have had them saved on my bloglines to do with my preschool class.

  3. i love anything with handprints on them. precious!

  4. What a wonderful idea! I also love anything with handprints on them.
