Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Funny Feet!!

We took a walk on the wild side today (funny, I know). I cut out some animal feet shapes and the kids painted them. I used the glue gun to glue a cardboard strap so their feet could slip in. We had a frog and a duck running around here for a while today and they had a great time making LOTS of duck and froggy sounds to go along with it ;)

If I were to do this over again, I would have made the straps longer and cut slits in the feet to tape the straps under the feet. They both loved them and requested other animal feet; however, my drawing capabilities are definitely limited. Duck and frog feet were the best I could do. :)

Supplies needed:
glue gun

**notice Cinderella's Duck feet. I swear she is always wearing princess costumes....she loves them so :)