Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Painting glass ornaments

Such a trusting mother I am. "Put this glass ornament on your finger to paint it, but don't drop it!" HA! Only one ornament was broken during craft time today. LOL

I bought a pack of glass ornaments from Michael's and we painted them with acrylic paints. Once they dried, I put my kids' initials on the one they made and attached a ribbon around the loop.

Notice our creative drying method :)


  1. Fun! I've done this with older kids when I ran an after school program. Instead of painting the outside, we poured a little bit of paint inside and they swirled the ornament around to cover the inside. They were able to choose a few different colors. They had fun!

  2. Thanks Shelley! That was actually my intention, to pour paint on the inside, but my little artists had other ideas :)
