Sunday, November 9, 2008

Move over Swiss Miss....

Ok, so I spend far too much time on the computer especially since it is also part of my job. I found a really cool website that has a bunch of recipe favorites from people. It is called TasteSpotting. I love it probably because it has beautiful pictures and some easy recipes. I probably make something from this site about once a week.

Sadly, yesterday I found a little slice of heaven. I fell in love, but we were not meant to be together since I would weigh 900 pounds if I endulged in this sweet treat all the time. It was dreary and cold outside, both of the kids were taking their naps, and my husband was running errands. I was curled up on the couch catching up on my magazine and catalog reading (sad, I know) so I decided to give the recipe a try...HOT CHOCOLATE!! It is VERY close to the hot chocolate I had when I was in Florence, Italy. It is so incredibly rich and thick. I am almost sorry I know how to make it now. LOL

I thought I would share it, so that you could try it too. It is really delicious!!!

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